CM Publisher

Online Manuscript Submission

Authors are highly encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically via the journal’s Online Journal System (OJS). This platform streamlines the submission process, facilitating efficient evaluation, tracking, and management of manuscripts, ensuring a smooth progression from submission to acceptance and eventual publication.

The website provides detailed, step-by-step guidance to assist authors throughout the submission process. Manuscripts, including text, tables, and artwork, must be submitted electronically through OJS. If electronic submission is not possible or technical difficulties arise, authors are instructed to contact the editorial office at to arrange alternative submission methods. Please note that submissions failing to comply with these guidelines cannot be considered.

Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors directly, not through a third party. The corresponding author must provide a copyright declaration on behalf of all co-authors (if applicable) during submission. Authors must confirm that the manuscript, in whole or in part, has neither been previously published nor is under consideration by another publication. Additionally, any previously published illustrations, structures, or tables must be clearly identified, and the required copyright permissions for reproduction must be obtained.

Flexible Submission Format

The time of authors is exceptionally valuable and should not be expended on intricate formatting requirements. The Free Format Submission policy streamlines the submission process, enhancing efficiency and simplifying manuscript preparation.

Authors submitting to any CM journal are not required to adhere to strict formatting guidelines. Following the acceptance of an article, manuscripts may be submitted in any preferred format, and CM will handle the formatting to conform to the journal’s specific style requirements.

For all accepted submissions, CM ensures that manuscripts will be formatted to meet the journal’s established standards.

For online submissions, authors are requested to upload soft copies of the following materials: the main text in MS Word or TeX/LaTeX format, figures and illustrations in TIFF, PDF, or JPEG formats, and chemical structures in ChemDraw (CDX) or ISISDraw (TGF) as individual files. A PDF version of the complete manuscript, including all figures, tables, and chemical structures, must also be submitted. It is recommended to name all document files using the corresponding author’s name, such as “Cilli_MS_text.doc” or “Cilli_MS_Figure1.”

Prior to submission, authors must thoroughly proofread the files to ensure that special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, tables, references, and images are correctly formatted and displayed.

References, figures, tables, chemical structures, and similar components must be accurately cited within the text at the point of their first mention. Additionally, figure legends or captions should be provided.

Upon successful electronic submission, system-generated acknowledgements will be sent to the primary or corresponding author. For further inquiries, please contact

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at

Copyright and Licensing Policy

Authors publishing in our journals retain complete copyright ownership of their work. As a condition for publication, all submitted manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and not simultaneously submitted to any other journal. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and by submitting their manuscripts, authors grant the publisher the authority to initiate legal actions in cases of identified plagiarism or data fabrication. Once a manuscript has been submitted, it cannot be withdrawn at any stage before publication.

Open Access articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0), accessible at This license allows unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that proper credit is attributed to the original work. This policy ensures the authors’ retention of copyright while promoting extensive accessibility and dissemination of their research.

Copyright Declaration

The corresponding author is obligated to submit a signed copyright declaration as part of the manuscript submission process. The manuscript must not include any content that is unlawful, defamatory, falsified, plagiarized, or in violation of the terms outlined in the copyright agreement. Authors acknowledge that the publisher reserves the right to pursue legal action in the event of any breach of these terms. The copyright declaration form is available for download on the journal’s official website. Access the copyright declaration form.

Reproduction Permission

Submissions must not contain any previously published or reproduced material unless prior written authorization has been obtained from the copyright holder. This permission must be submitted to the Editorial Office upon acceptance of the article for publication.

For reproducing content from articles published by CM, authors must complete the specified FORM and submit it to for evaluation and approval.

Permissions for Third-Party Content

Authors bear the responsibility of ensuring that all third-party materials incorporated into their work are appropriately handled. “Third-party content” refers to any material produced by others, including text, figures, photographs, tables, screenshots, or similar elements, whether reproduced or adapted.

Unless such content falls under public domain material or is governed by Creative Commons or similar open licenses, authors are required to obtain explicit permission from the relevant copyright holder(s).

Inclusion of this material is strictly prohibited without prior written consent, which must be provided to the Editorial Office upon the manuscript’s acceptance.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

The Article Processing Charge (APC) for standard submissions, including research articles, reviews, and case studies, is set at USD 300.

For manuscripts published within thematic issues, the APC is reduced to USD 150.

Once a manuscript is accepted, an electronic invoice will be sent to the author via email.

Special Fee Waivers and Discounts

Content Majestic (CM) provides a 50% discount on publication fees for corresponding authors affiliated with low-income economies, as designated by the World Bank.

Refund Policy

Applications for fee waivers or discounts must be submitted during the initial manuscript submission process and will not be considered once the manuscript has been accepted. The payment process operates independently of the editorial process and does not influence editorial decisions. Payment is required only after acceptance of the manuscript, and publication will not proceed until the payment has been received. Content Majestic does not offer refunds after the publication fee has been paid.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the following key points before submitting their manuscript for consideration. For detailed instructions, please consult the journal’s author guidelines.

  • The abstract must not contain any references.
  • References should be numbered sequentially throughout the text and listed in the reference section in the same order.
  • Figures, schemes, and tables must include appropriate captions.
  • Tables and figures should be cited in the text in numerical order.
  • Each table must be submitted as a separate, editable Word document with its corresponding caption.
  • Manuscripts with language deficiencies will not be accepted. Authors are advised to ensure that the manuscript is professionally edited for grammar, scientific accuracy, and typographical correctness before resubmission.
  • Chemical structures should be prepared using ChemDraw or submitted in CDX format.
  • Ethical approval is mandatory for studies involving human or animal subjects. The name of the approving institution or committee and the corresponding reference number must be included.
  • Any sources of funding for the research or manuscript preparation must be acknowledged.
  • Authors must disclose any financial contributions and declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Manuscript Publication

The journal welcomes the submission of original research articles, review articles, and letters, all in English. Proposals for special issues centred on a particular theme or topic may also be considered for inclusion in the publication.

Conference Proceedings

For any inquiries related to the inclusion of conference proceedings in this journal, please reach out via email to

Supplement/Single-Topic Issues

The journal is open to submissions of supplements or single-topic issues for publication. These issues should consist of a collection of review or research articles, typically ranging from 10 to 12 articles, addressing a contemporary and significant topic within the field. Mini-supplements containing 3 to 5 articles are also encouraged. Guest Editors will be responsible for inviting contributors to the supplement and overseeing the peer review process for the submitted manuscripts. A concise summary or proposal for editing a supplement should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief at

Manuscript Length

Research Articles

Research articles must be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length, with a minimum of 75 references. The word count does not include figures, diagrams, images, tables, schemes, or similar components.

Review Articles

Review articles are generally composed of 6,000 to 10,000 words and must include a minimum of 100 references. This word count excludes visual components such as figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, and other similar elements.

Systematic Reviews

Systematic reviews encompass updates to review protocols, methodologies, research findings, and insights from pertinent fields, in addition to revisions of previously published material. These reviews should range between 4,000 and 6,000 words and must cite at least 100 references, excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, and comparable components. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are required to comply with PRISMA guidelines (

Mini-Review Articles

Mini-review articles should fall within a word count of 3,000 to 6,000 and include a minimum of 75 references, excluding visual elements such as figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, and other related content.

Letter Articles

Letter articles should contain between 3,000 and 4,000 words, with a minimum requirement of 40 references. This count excludes figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, and other visual components.

Randomised Drug Clinical Trial Studies

Trial studies should range from 4,000 to 6,000 words, not including figures, diagrams, photographs, schemes, tables, or any other similar elements, and must contain at least 50 references.

Book Reviews

This journal publishes open-access reviews of recently released books, available in both print and digital formats, that align with its focus. Book reviews should be between 850 and 1,000 words, excluding figures, diagrams, photographs, schemes, tables, and other comparable content. Publishers and authors wishing to submit books for review can contact the book review editor at  Each book will undergo review by an independent expert in the field. There are no page charges for publishing book reviews.

Case Reports

Case reports should describe new findings or distinctive outcomes that add value to the field. They should be between 1,500 and 2,500 words, with a minimum of 40 references, excluding figures, diagrams, photographs, schemes, tables, or similar elements.

Current Frontiers

Articles in this section should be contributed by prominent experts in recent advancements. These articles should be formatted as mini-reviews, approximately 4 to 5 pages long (roughly 800 to 850 words per page), and should include around 70 references to recent literature. All pages must be numbered consecutively.


Editorials are concise articles that address important topics pertinent to the journal. The word count for an editorial should fall between 1,000 and 1,500 words, with no more than 10 to 15 references. An abstract is not necessary.


Commentaries offer an analysis from scientists on significant issues related to the journal’s published works. The length of commentaries should not exceed 3,000 words, which includes the abstract, main text, references, and figure legends. The inclusion of an abstract is optional.


A perspective provides a brief overview of a research topic relevant to the field. It generally spans from 1,500 to 1,800 words and must include at least 20 references, excluding figures, diagrams, photos, charts, tables, and similar elements.

Industry News

Industry News highlights major developments in industries relevant to the journal’s focus that are of interest to the readership. The submission should be approximately 1,000 words and ideally include 10 or more references. An abstract is not required.

Patent News

Patent News may encompass significant updates regarding recently granted patents pertinent to the journal’s subject matter. The article should be approximately 1000 words in length and must reference no fewer than 10 sources. An abstract is not required.

There are no limitations regarding the number of figures, tables, or supplementary materials, including videos, animations, or datasets, that may be incorporated in the online version of the article.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript must be composed in clear, precise, and active English. All pages should be sequentially numbered to aid in the review and editing process.

Microsoft Word Template

Authors are strongly encouraged to utilize the provided template when preparing their manuscript, as it will ensure compliance with the journal’s formatting guidelines.

Manuscript Structure for Submissions

Manuscripts submitted to the journal for research or review articles must adhere to the structure detailed in the following sections:

  • Title
  • Title page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Organization of the main text
  • Conclusion
  • List of abbreviations (if applicable)
  • Consent for Publication
  • Availability of Data and Materials
  • Funding
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Appendices
  • Figures/Illustrations (if applicable)
  • Chemical Structures (if applicable)
  • Tables and Captions (if applicable)
  • Supporting/Supplementary Materials (if applicable)



The title should be clear, brief, and not exceed 120 characters. Authors are strongly advised to avoid using unconventional abbreviations or question marks within the title. It must follow title case formatting, except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.

In accordance with reporting standards, the title should succinctly convey essential study details, particularly for randomized or clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.

A short “running title” must also be provided. The title, running title, author byline, corresponding author footnote, and keywords must remain consistent with the original manuscript.

Title Page

The title page must feature the full title of the manuscript, the names and affiliations of the authors, and complete contact information—address, phone number, fax, and email—for the corresponding author(s).

Structured Abstract

The abstract must provide a concise, clear, and accurate summary, not exceeding 250 words. It should include distinct subheadings in bold, which may either be incorporated into the text or presented as separate headings. The use of abbreviations should be minimized, and references must not be included within the abstract.

Structured abstracts are obligatory for original research articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Although the following subheadings are suggested, they may be modified according to the specific requirements of the article.

Introduction/Objectives: Present a brief overview of the study’s purpose, clearly articulating its primary goals and objectives in a few sentences.

Methods: Summarize the research design, encompassing the methodology, participant details, and key aspects of the study’s execution.

Results: Provide an outline of the key findings, emphasizing significant outcomes, and, when relevant, include statistical data or pertinent observations.

Conclusion: Offer a thorough summary of the study’s primary conclusions, encompassing broader implications or possible applications of the findings.

The section headings should unambiguously represent the study’s objectives, participant details, measurement tools, employed methods, principal findings, and overall conclusion.


It is essential to select pertinent and substantial keywords, ideally between six to eight terms. These keywords should be thoughtfully chosen to assist researchers in discovering your paper, thus improving its visibility within database searches. These terms must be incorporated into the title and consistently used throughout the manuscript to optimize indexing. In the field of biomedical research, MeSH terms offer a standardized vocabulary for selecting the most appropriate keywords, accessible at

Text Organization

The main text should begin on a new page, which includes the title page, core content, and any other relevant sections as necessary. It may be further divided according to the specific topics covered, followed by sections such as the List of Abbreviations (if applicable), Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, and References. For review manuscripts, the structure should include a title page, abstract, and main text, with subdivisions based on the topics discussed, followed by Acknowledgements and References. Review articles should reference important recent and prior reviews in the field, offering a comprehensive discussion that starts with a general overview of the subject and then emphasizes key developments. Authors are advised not to include previously published data or material from prior reviews and should aim to present and discuss their findings in a concise manner.

For research articles, the manuscript must commence with a title page and abstract, followed by the main body, which should be divided into distinct sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate, Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal Rights, and References.

All randomized clinical trials must incorporate a flow diagram, and authors are required to submit a completed randomized trial checklist (refer to the CONSORT Flow Diagram and Checklist at along with the trial protocol. For additional guidance, please consult the detailed instructions available at

For case reports, authors must adhere to the CARE guidelines,  submitting the CARE checklist as a separate document.

The manuscript must maintain consistent formatting throughout, utilizing a 10-point Times New Roman font. Upon initial mention, abbreviations should be spelt out, except when representing standard units of measurement. References should be cited in square brackets. Binomial nomenclature for organisms (Genus and Species) must be italicized, as should unfamiliar terms, emphasized words, and non-assimilated Latin or foreign expressions (e.g., per se, et al.).

Section Titles

Headings for sections must be numbered sequentially, aligned to the left, and begin with a capital letter, starting with the Introduction. Sub-section headings should be in lowercase, italicized, with only the first letter capitalized. These should follow a numerical structure such as 1.1, 1.2, etc.


The introduction should offer a comprehensive overview of the research’s background and explicitly outline its objectives.

Materials and Methods

This section should detail the methodology employed, citing previous research where appropriate. It should also highlight any potential adjustments to the methodology and propose directions for future investigations. Specific and comprehensive information regarding the original data sources is critical to allow readers to assess the analysis, relevance, and trustworthiness of the reported outcomes.

The Methods section must provide an exhaustive account of the data utilized and the results achieved. All procedures and information collected during the research process should be incorporated. Any financial support or assistance received from external organizations should be disclosed. Additionally, the methods must be geared toward accomplishing clearly defined goals. Any statements concerning approval from independent review bodies, such as ethics committees or institutional review boards, must also be included in this section.

Disclosure of AI and AI-Assisted Technologies

Authors who utilize AI tools for generating images, and graphical elements, or for the collection and analysis of data are required to explicitly disclose such usage within the Materials and Methods section (or its equivalent) of the manuscript. They must identify the specific AI tool employed and outline its role in the research process.

Authors bear complete responsibility for the content of their manuscripts, including sections produced with the assistance of AI, and are accountable for any violations of publication ethics.

The Content Majestic will evaluate whether the disclosure of AI use adheres to its established standards and guidelines. Post-publication, the content may be revised or rejected if AI usage was not adequately disclosed, or if other circumstances warrant such actions.

Experimental Section

The repetition of information should be avoided throughout the article. The calculation section should present experimental data, factual details, and practical insights derived from a theoretical framework.

Results Section

The Results section must concentrate on presenting the principal findings of the study. Tables, figures, and references should be organized logically to highlight critical information or observations. The redundancy of data across tables and figures must be minimized. All results should be displayed in a clear and precise manner.


This section should assess the significance of the study’s findings, describe a replicable methodology, and underscore the relevance of the article in the context of recent advancements in the field. It is essential to refrain from providing excessive citations or conducting a comprehensive review of the existing literature.

The discussion must explore the implications of the results, examine their connection to current research, and address the limitations of the study. The authors are required to justify the sample size based on the study’s objectives and methodology.

The “Results and Discussion” section may be merged into a single heading or divided into separate sections (“Results” and “Discussion”). If necessary, concise subheadings may be incorporated within each section.


The conclusion must concisely encapsulate the central aspects of the article, articulate the final research findings, or suggest potential directions for future inquiry. This section should be brief and situated at the conclusion of the article.


Authors must explicitly disclose the sources of funding for their manuscript, specifying the name of the funding agency or financial supporter, and including the corresponding grant or award number in parentheses, if applicable. For example, “This research was supported by [Funding Agency] under Grant No. XXX.”

In the absence of a specified funding source, and if the manuscript is financed by the author’s employer, the employer’s name must be revealed. Furthermore, authors must indicate whether the funding entity had any role in the approval of the manuscript’s editing, writing, or the decision to publish.

Greek Symbols and Special Characters

Greek symbols and special characters may undergo modification or omission during the manuscript preparation for publication. To prevent this, authors must ensure that these symbols are appropriately integrated as symbols in the text, rather than being inserted via formatting styles (such as the Symbol font), as they may not be preserved during the conversion to PDF/XML.

Reporting Guidelines

Authors are highly encouraged to follow reporting guidelines that offer recommendations specific to their research design. All measurements must be presented in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Chemical equations, names, mathematical expressions, units of measurement, and chemical or physical quantities should conform to SI standards and adhere to the conventions established by Chemical Abstracts or IUPAC.

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviations, when utilized, must be defined at their first occurrence in the text or presented separately in a list of abbreviations to ensure clarity.

Systematic Review Registration

CM supports the retrospective registration of systematic reviews in appropriate registries, such as PROSPERO. The registration number must be included as the final line of the manuscript’s abstract.


If extensive methodological details are necessary, appendices may be incorporated into the article. Each appendix must be restricted to three pages, using Times New Roman font, size 10, with no more than 900 words per page. The information should be concise, avoiding full sentences. A single appendix should be titled “APPENDIX,” while multiple appendices should be labelled “APPENDIX A,” “APPENDIX B,” and so forth.

Supplementary Material

Authors are encouraged to submit supplementary materials, including PowerPoint presentations, screenshots, original instruments (Word, RTF, PDF), videos, or data files (SAS/SPSS, Excel, Access), provided these materials are integral to the manuscript or have been approved by the journal’s Editor.

Any reproduced material must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright holder, which must be submitted to the Editorial Office upon acceptance.

Supplementary materials intended for publication must be cited within the manuscript and included in a dedicated section titled “Supportive/Supplementary Material,” which should precede the “References” section. Each item should be succinctly described. These materials will be linked to the published article but will not be incorporated within the article itself, and they will be accessible on the journal’s website in their original format.

All supplementary files must be submitted as a single compressed (zipped) file, not exceeding 4 MB in size. Each file should contain only one table, figure, or video (linked files or large PDFs are not permitted). Authors must specify whether supplementary files are intended exclusively for the review or editorial process and are not for publication.

Research Ethics and Policies

Conflict of Interest


Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest (competing interests) that may have a direct or indirect influence on their work. Even when no conflicts exist, the declaration of affiliations and interests fosters transparency and ensures a thorough and unbiased review process. It is the right of readers to be informed about both actual and perceived conflicts.

Each manuscript submitted must include a conflict-of-interest statement within the article, along with a completed disclosure form. Financial relationships, such as research funding or consulting arrangements, are not inherently inappropriate. Authors with no conflicts should still include a statement confirming this, for example: “The author(s) confirm(s) that there is no conflict of interest regarding this manuscript.”

Examples of potential conflicts of interest related to the research include, but are not limited to, the following financial competing interests:

  • Type of support/grant number
  • Institutional conflicts of interest
  • Funds received by the author
  • Funds received by the institution
  • Travel allowances for research
  • Funds allocated for article preparation and review
  • Funds designated for conducting review activities
  • Support for article writing assistance, including drugs, equipment, etc.
  • Paid lectures
  • Pending funds or grants

Financial conflicts of interest can arise at both personal and institutional levels. A personal conflict occurs when an individual involved in the publication process either currently receives or anticipates receiving financial advantages (such as patents, stocks, gifts, or services) that could potentially influence their work on a specific publication. More importantly, in the context of academic research, such financial relationships may lead to institutional conflicts of interest (COIs), where the financial interests of an institution or its representatives might unduly influence the decision-making process.

An institutional conflict of interest arises when the financial interests of an institution or its representatives (such as investments in a particular company) could improperly affect the research conducted by its faculty, staff, or students or present an unacceptable risk to human participants. These conflicts typically emerge when a research project offers support or benefits to an external entity through the evaluation, validation, trial, or testing of an invention, product, drug, service, or technology, while the institution maintains a financial stake in the external entity. Such financial interests encompass but are not limited to, receiving licensing payments, royalties, or owning shares in the external entity. When human participants are involved, and the institution endorses these financial interests, the conflict is considered unreasonable.

Non-financial competing interests encompass, but are not restricted to, the following:

Furthermore, any non-financial interests, which include, though are not limited to, personal relationships, conflicts of interest, or professional perspectives that may have the capacity to influence the research, should be disclosed if deemed relevant to the readers. These interests may involve direct or indirect affiliations with the research or other elements that could influence the research process.

Intellectual property pertains to intangible assets derived from creative activities, such as patents, copyrights, and similar innovations. This section aims to gather details regarding intellectual property, including patents (whether licensed, pending, or granted), as well as any financial remuneration received for such assets, including:

  • Patent
  • Licensed Patent
  • Issued Patent
  • Pending Patent
  • Royalties
  • Licensee
  • Remarks


All conflict-of-interest disclosure forms must be submitted by the corresponding author. In instances of collaborative authorship, the corresponding author may sign the disclosure form on behalf of all co-authors, provided such action is permitted by applicable legal agreements. Templates for the required forms are available via the following links:

The corresponding author is also responsible for including a brief statement that summarizes the content of the conflict-of-interest disclosure form(s) within the body of the article, placed prior to the reference list. Furthermore, authors are encouraged to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to reviewers, enabling the Editorial Office to exclude such individuals from the review process to ensure a fair evaluation.


Situations involving undisclosed conflicts of interest, whether discovered prior to or following publication, will be addressed in accordance with COPE guidelines:

For additional information regarding conflicts of interest, please refer to the ICMJE guidance.


The CM maintains a transparent peer-review process by ensuring that reviewers are free from any conflicts of interest with the authors. To guarantee impartiality, reviewers affiliated with the same institution or country as the authors are excluded from evaluating manuscripts. However, the Editorial Office may not always identify every potential conflict of interest. Consequently, authors are obligated to:

  • Submit a comprehensive list of potential reviewers who may have conflicts of interest to guarantee an unbiased review process.

The Editorial Office requires reviewers to:

  • Decline requests to review a manuscript if they recognize a potential conflict of interest and immediately notify the Editorial Office.
  • Avoid accepting review invitations if they have recently collaborated, published, or co-submitted a manuscript with any of the authors.
  • Inform the Editorial Office if they have a personal relationship with the authors or share an institutional affiliation that might compromise the objectivity of the review.
  • Report any occurrences of scientific misconduct, fraud, plagiarism, or unethical practices associated with the manuscript to the Editorial Office, Editor-in-Chief, or Handling Editors, rather than contacting the authors directly.


When submitting their comments, reviewers must explicitly affirm the absence of conflicts of interest by agreeing to the following statement:

“I hereby confirm that I have no conflict of interest related to the manuscript.”

If any conflicts of interest exist, these must be disclosed in the ‘Confidential’ section of the review form.

Peer reviewers are strictly obligated to comply with the journal’s policies and must refrain from directly communicating with authors concerning conflicts of interest.


Reviewers who deliberately fail to disclose a conflict of interest will face a permanent ban from participating in any future peer-review activities for the journal.

The editorial office guarantees that any author added after the peer-review process has concluded will not be selected as a reviewer for the manuscript in question.


Editors are required to recuse themselves from evaluating submitted manuscripts if they have personal, professional, or financial conflicts of interest with the authors. To maintain transparency and ensure impartial assessments, all participants in the peer-review process—including editorial board members, reviewers, and editors—must declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Editors-in-chief and editors responsible for making initial or final decisions on manuscripts must refrain from involvement in submissions authored by individuals from their own institution, family members, competitors, collaborators, or co-authors with whom they have worked within the past three years. In such situations, the responsibility for ensuring an unbiased review may be assigned to another member of the editorial board.

The editorial office strongly advises editors to adhere to COPE and WAME guidelines when handling manuscripts linked to personal associations.


When a manuscript is submitted by an Editor or Editor-in-Chief, the responsibility for both the initial and final decisions will rest with another member of the editorial board. The editorial office will designate board members who have no potential conflicts of interest with the submitting Editor or Editor-in-Chief to guarantee an impartial review process.


Individuals who contributed to the research but are not included as authors should be appropriately acknowledged. This includes those who participated in tasks such as conducting the literature review, generating data, computerisation, data analysis, or assisting with language editing, writing, proofreading, or providing constructive feedback. Essentially, any person who significantly contributed to improving the manuscript’s quality should be recognised. If no acknowledgements are required, it is advisable to state “Declared none” in this section.

Granting guest or honorary authorship based solely on position (e.g., research supervisor or department head) is strongly discouraged.

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ( has established explicit guidelines regarding authorship. Contributions that qualify for authorship include, but are not limited to, the following: “designed the research/study,” “conducted the research/study,” “provided essential reagents,” “collected data,” “analyzed data,” and “drafted the manuscript.” A comprehensive description of each author’s specific contribution must be included in a distinct paragraph under the heading Authors’ Contribution. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all co-authors provide their consent to the manuscript’s submission and to manage any alterations to the authorship list.

Human and Animal Rights

Research Involving Humans

All clinical studies involving human participants must adhere to the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. Manuscripts reporting such research must explicitly confirm formal review and approval by an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee.

Patient Consent

Adherence to the guidelines set forth by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (accessible at is mandatory, ensuring compliance with patient consent requirements for participation in research or studies. This adherence must also align with all applicable laws and regulations governing the privacy and protection of personal data, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), relevant U.S. federal and state confidentiality statutes, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of Canada, and the Information Technology Act of India along with its associated Privacy Rules. Collectively, these legal frameworks are referred to as “Data Protection and Privacy Laws.”

The authors bear the following responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that the manuscript does not reveal patients’ names, initials, or hospital identification numbers in any section, including figures.
  • Securing signed consent-to-disclose forms from all identifiable patients featured in photographs, videos, or other materials intended for publication in the journal, its derivative works, or on its website. Additionally, the manuscript must be shared with the identifiable patient for their review prior to submission.
  • Clearly specifying the intended purpose in the consent-to-disclose form, including publication in both print and online formats accessible to patients and the general public. The form must bear the signature of the patient or their legal guardian and include a statement confirming that the patient or guardian had the opportunity to review the manuscript and related materials.
  • Obtaining consent from all individuals whose personal information, data, or audiovisual content is included in the manuscript. For minors, consent must be secured from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Incorporating a formal statement of consent approval in the copyright letter and as a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript, particularly for human studies. The statement must confirm that written informed consent was obtained from all participants or their guardians. The original consent forms must be retained by the guarantor or corresponding author, with editors reserving the right to request these forms as needed.
  • Ensuring that appropriate consent is acquired prior to publication. Authors should refer to the COPE guidelines on consent for publishing medical case reports, available at, for further guidance.

Editors may require evidence of formal review and approval by the relevant institutional review board or ethics committee overseeing the study. Moreover, editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that fail to meet these requirements. Authors are solely responsible for any false declarations or instances of non-compliance.

Non-identifiable Images

Images that do not reveal the identity of individuals—such as X-rays, ultrasound scans, pathology slides, or laparoscopic images—do not necessitate formal consent.

However, methods such as the use of eye bars or facial blurring to obscure identity will be considered unacceptable unless prior consent has been obtained.

Animal Research Guidelines

Researchers conducting studies involving animals must adhere strictly to the standards established in the eighth edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (, published by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.

Furthermore, all animal research must comply with the NC3Rs ARRIVE Guidelines, which are available at

Authors are required to explicitly identify the approval committee and confirm that all necessary legal and ethical permissions were obtained prior to the commencement of the study. Additionally, all experiments must be conducted in full compliance with the prescribed guidelines and regulations.

Ethics Approval Exemption

For studies exempt from ethics approval, authors are required to provide a clear justification for the exemption within the ethical statement. A sample ethical statement is as follows:

“This study involving animal subjects was granted an exemption from ethics approval due to [specific reasons]. The exemption was reviewed and approved by [Full name of ethics committee], ensuring strict adherence to established ethical standards.”

Client-Owned Animals

Research conducted on client-owned animals, including pets or non-commercial livestock, must uphold the highest standards of veterinary care. Authors are required to confirm that written consent was secured from the animal owner(s) or their authorized representatives prior to the study.

Example Ethical Statement

“This research was reviewed and approved by [Full name of the ethics committee]. Written informed consent was obtained from the animal owners, ensuring full compliance with ethical standards and established guidelines.”

International Standards and the 3Rs Principle

Studies involving animal subjects must strictly adhere to internationally recognized standards and the 3Rs principles: Replace, Reduce, and Refine.

Replace: Utilize alternative methods to avoid the use of animals wherever practicable.

Reduce: Limit the number of animals involved to the minimum required.

Refine: Enhance experimental procedures to minimize harm to animals.

Researchers are strongly encouraged to follow the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) to promote ethical and transparent reporting.

Example ethical statement

“This research conforms to internationally recognized standards for animal experimentation and strictly adheres to the 3Rs principles. Reporting was conducted in accordance with the ARRIVE guidelines to ensure ethical and comprehensive documentation of live animal experiments.”

Euthanasia Protocols

The employment of euthanasia techniques, including but not limited to chloral hydrate, ether, or chloroform overdose, is strongly discouraged. Authors are required to provide a comprehensive account of all surgical, anaesthetic, or euthanasia procedures conducted during the course of the study.

In cases where procedures deviate from established protocols, editors may request supplementary documentation, such as ethics approval forms or pertinent references to the relevant literature.

Research Involving Plants

Experimental research that involves plants, whether wild or cultivated, must comply with internationally recognized standards. Manuscripts must contain a declaration affirming adherence to the applicable guidelines, along with evidence demonstrating that all necessary permits or licenses have been acquired. This must be consistent with the ICN Policy Statement on Research Involving Species at Risk of Extinction and the Convention on the Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Hazard Study

Authors are obligated to clearly identify and document any potential hazards associated with the chemicals, procedures, or equipment utilized in their research within the manuscript. Such details must be included in both the “Materials and Methods” section as well as the “Declaration” section. For further information, refer to The World Medical Association:

The SAGER Guidelines (For Sex and Gender Equity in Research)

We remain steadfast in our dedication to advancing sex and gender equity within research by adhering to the principles established in the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines. These guidelines are designed to ensure both inclusivity and scientific rigour in all submissions. It is a requirement for all authors to comply with the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, which emphasize the incorporation of sex and gender considerations in research to enhance the accuracy and relevance of published work.

The SAGER guidelines outline specific recommendations for the reporting of sex and gender information in aspects such as methodology, study design, data analysis, results, and the interpretation of findings. Authors preparing review articles are encouraged to address the processes involved in data selection, extraction, and synthesis. Systematic reviews must adhere strictly to these guidelines to ensure thorough reporting and analysis.

Research in Critical or Emergency Situations

The Content Majestic expects all contributors to adhere to the ethical principles of justice, beneficence, and autonomy in their research activities. We recognize that research conducted under exceptional circumstances, such as medical emergencies or humanitarian crises, may present unique challenges in comparison to standard research settings. Contributors are urged to ensure that their research does not cause harm to participants or researchers while maintaining scientific rigour within the limitations of the situation.

Particular attention must be given to vulnerable individuals, including those impacted by disasters or medical emergencies. Measures should be implemented to protect their privacy, dignity, and well-being. Researchers are encouraged to proactively identify and address challenges that arise from such contexts. Research in emergency settings must prioritize the well-being of survivors, minimize the risk of additional harm, and uphold the principles of preserving life, well-being, and security, as well as safeguarding participants’ rights to privacy and confidentiality.

Unethical Behavior

Instances of unethical behaviour or misconduct may be reported to the editor or publisher, provided adequate evidence is presented. Upon receiving such reports, the editor, in collaboration with the publisher, is required to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, ensuring confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. Authors will be granted an opportunity to respond to all allegations, regardless of their severity.

For serious breaches, the editor or publisher, following a comprehensive review of all relevant evidence and, when necessary, consulting subject-matter experts, may take appropriate measures and duly inform the author.


  • In instances of misrepresentation or improper handling of established International Standards, authors and reviewers must be promptly notified.
  • A formal warning should be issued to both parties as a deterrent against the recurrence of unethical behaviour.
  • An editorial addressing the reported misconduct should be published, or an official notice regarding the unethical conduct should be made publicly accessible on the website.
  • Official correspondence concerning the misconduct must be sent to the respective department heads, the implicated author’s funding agencies, the reviewer, and the relevant abstracting and indexing organizations.
  • If necessary, the retraction or withdrawal of the publication should be coordinated with the department head of the author or reviewer, with proper notification to all relevant senior authorities.
  • The publisher reserves the right to impose a temporary suspension on the author’s privilege to submit future manuscripts to the journal.

Consent for Publication

In instances where a manuscript contains personal data, such as identifiable information, audiovisual materials, or similar content, it is essential to obtain explicit consent from the individual concerned. In the case of minors, consent must be obtained from a parent or legal guardian.

A formal declaration of this consent, including a consent-to-disclose statement, must be clearly stated in the copyright letter and included as a separate section at the conclusion of the article. This requirement is especially critical in research involving human participants, where obtaining written informed consent from each participant or their legal guardian is obligatory. The guarantor or corresponding author is responsible for maintaining the original consent form, and editors may request copies via fax or email if necessary.

Randomised Drug Clinical Trial Studies

Randomized drug clinical trials are structured biomedical or health-related research initiatives carried out in distinct phases. These studies involve human subjects who are randomly assigned to either receive or not receive a specific preventive, therapeutic, or diagnostic intervention, in accordance with a predefined protocol. The principal objective of such trials is to assess the safety and effectiveness of various methods in disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.

Researchers conducting randomized controlled trials are strongly advised to submit their trial protocols in conjunction with their manuscripts. It is a requirement for all clinical trials to be registered in a relevant public trial registry prior to the enrollment of the first participant. The selected registry must operate independently of commercial interests (e.g.,  If an editor examines an unregistered trial, the author is obligated to provide a brief explanation for the lack of registration.

Key Requirements for Submitting Clinical Trial Manuscripts

  • Manuscripts should comprehensively present an objective or hypothesis, study design, methodology (including study setting, duration, participant inclusion and exclusion criteria, data sources, and selection processes), details of interventions, primary outcome measures, key findings, and a discussion that contextualizes the results within existing literature, addressing any limitations. All conclusions must be substantiated by original data.
  • The trial registry name, registration number, and registry URL must be provided both at the end of the abstract and in the designated section of the online submission form. For controlled healthcare intervention studies, the trial registry and unique identifier must be included without spaces. Studies addressing other objectives, such as pharmacokinetics or toxicity (e.g., phase 1 trials), are exempt from this requirement.
  • Reports on randomized trials must include a “Randomization and Masking” section within the methodology.
  • Manuscripts must include a declaration identifying the institutional or licensing committee that approved the experiments, along with the specific details of such approval.
  • Authors must use the SI unit system and the Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) for drugs, providing precise information on dosage, route, and frequency of administration.
  • Clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies must adhere to the principles of good publication practice (

Manuscripts failing to meet these requirements may be rejected at the discretion of the editors. Authors bear full responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of all submitted data and compliance with these guidelines.



References must be presented according to either ACS or Vancouver style to guarantee both accuracy and completeness. Reference numbers should be finalized, and the bibliography must be properly formatted prior to submission.

References should be directly pertinent to the study and cite original research sources. Authors, editors, and peer reviewers are strongly encouraged to avoid self-citation and should ensure there are no conflicts of interest.

Examples of references in both ACS and Vancouver styles are provided below:

ACS Style

In ACS style, references are numbered consecutively within square brackets in the text and listed in the same order within the reference section. Superscript notation should not be utilized for in-text citations or in the reference list.

Reference Lists

Citation guidelines vary depending on the reference format. Below are examples of the most frequently utilized formats:

Journal Article Reference

The essential elements for referencing a journal article consist of the author’s name, the abbreviated title of the journal, the publication year, the volume number, and the initial page of the article, though the complete pagination may also be included. Both the journal abbreviation and the volume number must be italicized, while the publication year should be presented in bold. Each author must be listed separately, without employing “et al.” The journal abbreviations should adhere to the guidelines set by the Index Medicus/MEDLINE.

Example 1: Bard, M.; Woods, R.A.; Bartón, D.H.; Corrie, J.E.; Widdowson, D.A. Sterol mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: chromatographic analyses. Lipids, 1977, 12(8), 645-654.

Example 2: Zhang, W.; Brombosz, S.M.; Mendoza, J.L.; Moore, J.S. A high-yield, one-step synthesis of o-phenylene ethynylene cyclic trimer via precipitation-driven alkyne metathesis. J. Org. Chem., 2005, 70, 10198-10201.

Book Reference

Example 3: Crabtree, R.H. The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 3rd ed.; Wiley & Sons: New York, 2001.

Book Chapter Reference

Example 4: Wheeler, D.M.S.; Wheeler, M.M.D. “Stereoselective Syntheses of Doxorubicin and Related Compounds In, Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Atta-ur-Rahman, Ed.; Elsevier Science B.V.: Amsterdam, 1994; Vol. 14, pp. 3-46.

Conference Proceedings

Example 5: Jakeman, D.L.; Withers, S.G.E. In “Carbohydrate Bioengineering: Interdisciplinary Approaches,” Proceedings of the 4th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10-13, 2001, Teeri, T.T.; Svensson, B.; Gilbert, H.J.; Feizi, T., Eds.; Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 2002; pp. 3-8.

URL (WebPage)

Example 6: National Library of Medicine. Specialized Information Services: Toxicology and Environmental Health. (Accessed May 23, 2004).


Example 7: Hoch, J.A.; Huang, S. Screening Methods for the Identification of Novel Antibiotics. U.S. Patent 6,043,045, March 28, 2000.


Example 8: Mackel, H. Capturing the Spectra of Silicon Solar Cells. PhD Thesis, The Australian National University: Canberra, December 2004.


Example 9: Citations for articles or materials that are published solely online or in open access (freely available) must include the accurate Web addresses (URLs) at the conclusion of the reference(s), except for materials hosted on an author’s personal website, unless they are editorially relevant, e.g., “Reference: Available from: URL.”

The following crucial guidelines should be adhered to:

  • All authors must be properly cited, and the use of the term “et al.” is strictly prohibited.
  • For online sources, the access date must be included.
  • Proper punctuation must be applied, as exemplified in the provided illustrations.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data, and personal communications (which may only be included with prior consent) should not be included in the references section, but they may be integrated into the footnotes.
  • Authors are encouraged to utilize a current version of EndNote (version 5 or higher) or Reference Manager (version 10) for formatting the reference list, as these tools support the automatic extraction of references.

Vancouver Style

In the Vancouver referencing style, citations must be numbered sequentially within square brackets, and these numbers should appear in the same order in both the body of the text and the reference list. Correct punctuation, as demonstrated in the provided examples, is of utmost importance.

Reference Lists

Citations should comply with specific guidelines that vary based on the type of source. Below are examples illustrating common formats:

Journal Article

A citation for a journal article should include the author’s surname, the abbreviated title of the journal, the publication year, the volume number, and the starting page of the article. Complete pagination may also be included. When there are six or fewer authors, all should be listed; when there are more than six authors, the first three authors should be mentioned, followed by “et al.” (italicized). Journal abbreviations should follow the standards established by Index Medicus/MEDLINE. Only the first word of the article title, as well as proper nouns, should be capitalized, while all other words must be in lowercase.

  • [1] Al-Habian A, Harikumar PE, Stocker CJ, Langlands K, Selway JL. Histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluation of mouse skin histology: comparison of fixation with neutral buffered formalin and alcoholic formalin. J Histotechnol. 2014 Dec;37(4):115-24.
  • [2] Guilbert TW, Morgan WJ, Zeiger RS, et al. Long-term inhaled corticosteroids in preschool children at high risk for asthma. N Engl J Med. 2006 May 11;354(19):1985-97.

Edited Book

  • [3] Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, Eds. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press 1976; pp. 165-78.

Chapter in a Book

  • [4] Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, Eds. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press 1995; pp. 465-78.


  • [5] Larsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart. US Patent 5529067, 1995.

Conference Proceedings

  • [6] Kimura J, Shibasaki H, Eds. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1996.

Thesis and Dissertation

  • [7] Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans. PhD dissertation. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University 2002.


  • [8] Aylin P, Bottle A, Jarman B, Elliott, P. Paediatric cardiac surgical mortality in England after Bristol: descriptive analysis of hospital episode statistics 1991-2002. BMJ [serial on the Internet]. 2004 Oct 9; [cited: 15 October 2004]; 329: [about 10 screens].

Electronic Material

Journal Article in Electronic Format

  • [9] Frangioni G, Bianchi S, Fuzzi G, Borgioli G. Dynamics of hepatic melanogenesis in newts in the recovery phase from hypoxia. Open Zoo J 2009; 2: 1-7. Available from: [cited: 26th Jan 2009]
  • [10] Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. June 2002 [cited: 12th Aug 2002]; 102(6): [about 3 p.]. Available

The following essential factors should be taken into consideration:

  • The access date must always be included when citing online sources.
  • Superscripts are to be avoided in both in-text citations and the reference list.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data, and personal communications should not be referenced unless prior consent has been obtained. Such information should instead be cited in the footnotes.
  • Authors are strongly advised to use the most current versions of EndNote (version 5 or later) or Reference Manager (version 10), as these tools facilitate reference formatting and the automatic extraction of references.

Availability of Data and Materials

The manuscript must clearly identify the sources of data and materials used to support the research findings. Sharing research data is crucial to promoting transparency and ensuring the reproducibility of results. Proper citation and accessibility of data are critical to the integrity of the research outcomes.

CM strongly encourages authors to provide detailed descriptions of the sources of data and materials in their manuscripts to enhance the reliability of the findings.

Categories of Research Data Policies

The following four categories define the research data policies:

Case 1: Data Sharing and Data Citation

Case 2: Data Sharing and Supporting Evidence

Case 3: Statement on Data Sharing and Availability

Case 4: Data Sharing, Evidence of Data Sharing, and Data for Peer Review

Case 1: Data Sharing and Data Citation

The journal highly encourages authors to deposit their research data in publicly accessible repositories whenever feasible. Any datasets referenced within the manuscript and stored in external repositories must be appropriately cited.

Guidelines for Citing Data

All publicly available data, regardless of whether it was created by the authors or obtained from other researchers, must be cited within the text and included in the reference list. Citations should follow the structured format outlined below:

Example Format:

Author(s), dataset title, repository name, document version (e.g., most recent update), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and citation style as prescribed by the CM reference guidelines.

Case 2: Data Sharing and Supporting Evidence

By submitting a manuscript, authors commit to making the data presented in their publication, including any pertinent raw data, available for non-commercial research purposes, while ensuring that participant confidentiality is preserved.

Case 3: Data Sharing and Availability Statement

In accordance with the CM Research Data Policy, it is a requirement for authors to include a data availability statement. This statement should be incorporated into a distinct section titled “Availability of Data and Materials” within the manuscript and should be structured as follows:

  • The authors affirm that the data underpinning the conclusions of this study are provided within the manuscript and its supplementary materials.
  • The data supporting the conclusions of this study are available upon formal request from the corresponding author, [author initials].
  • The datasets produced or examined during this study are not publicly accessible due to [state-specific reasons].
  • In cases where no data is shared, authors must clearly state: “Not applicable.”

The data statement should adhere to the following format:

“The data supporting the findings of this article are available in [repository name] at [URL], reference number [reference number].”

Additional Notes on Data Availability

Authors are encouraged to tailor these statements to reflect the specific requirements of their research. When multiple statements are relevant, they may be combined for clarity and appropriateness.

Case 4: Data Accessibility, Documentation, and Peer Review Compliance

In accordance with the journal’s policies, it is imperative that all datasets underpinning the conclusions of the manuscript be made accessible to both reviewers and readers. Authors are required to deposit these datasets in publicly accessible repositories or to submit them as supplementary materials alongside their submission prior to the initiation of the peer review process. For comprehensive instructions, please refer to:

Standards of Reporting

Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the reporting guidelines established within their respective fields to ensure full compliance with all reporting criteria. For further guidance, visit the EQUATOR Network ( to determine the most relevant reporting standards.

All authors are required to rigorously follow the reporting standards outlined below when preparing their manuscripts for publication:


Figures/Illustrations (if applicable)

Authors are required to strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth for the preparation of illustrations intended for submission to the International Journal of Economics and Finance. Manuscripts containing figures of insufficient quality will not be accepted.

All figures must be of superior quality and submitted in one of the following formats: PDF, PPT, MS Word, TIFF, or JPEG. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the quality of their figures, whether by personal means or by engaging professional graphic designers from their respective institutions or regions. Alternatively, authors may choose to utilize graphic enhancement services provided by CM, the journal’s preferred service provider.

Guidelines for Figures and Illustrations

Authors are kindly requested to observe the following guidelines when submitting illustrations:

  • Illustrations must be incorporated within the text document and numbered sequentially in accordance with their appearance in the text. Each figure must present a singular illustration, cropped to eliminate any unnecessary blank spaces.
  • In cases where figures consist of multiple components, all parts should be consolidated into a single composite file.
  • Photographs must include a scale bar, where applicable, and high-resolution component files should accompany the submission.
  • All numbers, symbols, and letters within the figures must be consistent, clear, and sufficiently sized to maintain legibility even after resizing for publication.
  • Each figure must be referenced in the text in the order in which it appears.


Scaling and Resolution

Line art images, primarily composed of lines and text without any tonal or shaded areas, should be saved in either TIFF or EPS format. The colour mode must be configured to monochrome (1-bit) or RGB, with a resolution ranging from 900 to 1200 dpi.

Halftone images, which are continuous-tone photographs devoid of embedded text, should preferably be saved in TIFF format. The colour mode should be either RGB or grayscale, with a resolution of 300 dpi.

Combination images, which incorporate elements of halftone, text, or line art, should be saved in TIFF format, using RGB or grayscale colour mode, and with a resolution between 500 and 900 dpi.

Accepted Formats

Illustrations must be submitted in one of the following accepted formats:

  • Illustrator
  • EPS (recommended for diagrams)
  • PDF (suitable for diagrams)
  • PNG (preferred for photographs or images)
  • Microsoft Word (version 5 or later; figures must be placed on a single page)
  • PowerPoint (figures must be placed on a single page)
  • TIFF
  • JPEG (converted from the original file)
  • BMP
  • CDX (ChemDraw)
  • TGF (ISISDraw)

Please Note: That figures in GIF format are not accepted by CM

For TIFF or EPS files with considerable sizes, it is highly recommended to reduce the file size before online submission. Authors should convert their files to JPEG format before submitting, as this significantly lowers both file size and upload time, while still maintaining an acceptable level of quality. Although JPEG is a lossy format, saving images at a high or maximum quality is strongly advised to retain image sharpness. The use of compression tools such as Zipit or Stuffit is discouraged, as the compression results are generally minimal.

Authors must avoid submitting the following:

  • Graphics embedded in word processing documents (e.g., spreadsheets or presentations).
  • Files optimized for screen use, including GIF, BMP, PICT, and WPG formats, due to their low resolution.
  • Files with insufficient resolution.
  • Graphics that are disproportionately large in relation to their content.


Technical Specifications for Graphics/Figure Submissions:

Authors must adhere to the following technical requirements for figure submissions

Width: Within 8.5 inches.

Height: Within 11 inches.

Resolution: At least 300 dpi (pixels per inch).

Figures must be submitted in vector format, except for halftones and photographs.

Image Conversion Tools

A wide array of software solutions, encompassing both freeware and shareware, are available for the conversion of graphics across various formats such as PNG. Notable tools for this purpose include Graphic Converter for Macintosh, Paint Shop Pro for Windows, and ImageMagick, which supports Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX operating systems.

It is advisable not to convert bitmap images, such as screenshots, into EPS format, as this process may result in significantly larger file sizes when compared to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or BMP formats, and may also lead to a decline in image quality. The EPS format is designed for images created using vector-drawing applications, such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. Most vector-drawing software provides the option to save or export images in EPS format. If the images are generated within MS Office applications (such as Word or PowerPoint), it is recommended to upload the original files directly rather than converting them into lower-quality formats like JPEG.

Chemical Structures

Chemical structures are required to be created using ChemDraw/CDX and submitted as separate files.

Structure Drawing Guidelines:

Drawing Settings
Chain angle120°
Bond spacing18% of the width
Fixed length14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Text settings
FontTimes New Roman
Size10 pt
Under the Preference
Tolerances3 pixels
Under Page Setup Use
PaperUS letter


  • Data tables must be created using the table format in Microsoft Word.
  • Each table must feature a clear and descriptive title or caption that accurately summarizes its contents, with additional explanatory legends provided when necessary.
  • The table number (g., Table 1) should be in bold font and precede the title, which should be formatted in sentence case with only the first letter capitalized and ending with a period.
  • Tables must be positioned in the text exactly where they are referenced.
  • Columns and rows must be clearly delineated, with cell borders presented as black lines for clarity.
  • All tables must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals, following their order of citation within the text.
  • For references cited both within the table and the main text, a lettered footnote within the table should correspond to the numbered reference in the body of the manuscript.
  • Additional tabular data may be provided in Excel format as supplementary material.
  • Tables should present data concisely, avoiding unnecessary repetition and minimizing the overall length of the text.
  • Each table must be properly cited within the manuscript.
  • Any symbols or non-standard abbreviations used should be clearly defined at the end of the manuscript.
  • References within tables must be numbered sequentially in square brackets and listed in the reference section in the same order.

Authors and Authorship Criteria

Criteria for Authorship

CM mandates that all individuals credited as authors must make a significant contribution to the conceptualization, implementation, analysis, or dissemination of the research. The determination of authorship must conform to the standards set forth by the ICMJE and COPE  guidelines.

Authorship Declaration

All authors involved in the research must sign a copyright agreement, which should include their full name, affiliation, email address, ORCID ID, and a detailed description of their role in the research. Upon the successful electronic submission of the manuscript, an automatic confirmation will be sent to each author’s provided email address.

Authors and Institutional Affiliations

At the time of manuscript submission, authors are required to submit a definitive list of contributors, ensuring that the order of authorship is final. No subsequent changes, such as additions, deletions, or reordering of authors’ names, will be permitted once the manuscript has been finalized. The principal author’s email address should be marked with an asterisk. Additionally, the corresponding author must provide a full address, business telephone number, fax number, and email address for communication and handling of galley proofs. CM highly recommends that contributors maintain current profiles on SCOPUS, ORCID, and other relevant academic databases.

Identification of Authors

Authors are strongly encouraged to provide their ORCID ID when submitting an article. If an ORCID ID has not been previously obtained, it can be acquired during the submission process. For further details on ORCID IDs, kindly consult the resources provided here.

Authorship and Utilization of AI Tools

The CM recognizes the employment of a broad spectrum of tools, from basic to highly advanced, in the creation of manuscripts concerning scientific research.

In adherence to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), it is asserted that “AI tools do not fulfil the requirements for authorship, as they cannot be held accountable for the submitted work. Being non-legal entities, they are incapable of disclosing conflicts of interest or managing copyright and licensing agreements.”

The evolving role of these tools, influenced by public opinion, has led to substantial debates regarding their use in academic writing. While such tools may generate useful results, they also bear the potential to cause errors or inaccuracies. Therefore, it is essential to explicitly identify and disclose any tools used in the analysis and interpretation of scientific research.

In light of the aforementioned considerations, the following requirements must be strictly adhered to:

  • Authors are obligated to fully disclose the significant use of any tools, including instruments, software, or text-generating AI, in a manner that complies with the methodological standards of the relevant discipline.
  • All co-authors must provide a signed declaration affirming their complete accountability for the manuscript’s content, irrespective of the tools employed. This includes but is not limited to, accountability for inappropriate language, plagiarism, biases, inaccuracies, errors, misattributed references, or any misleading information generated by AI tools. All authors, inclusive of co-authors, shall bear joint responsibility for any consequences arising from these issues.
  • AI language tools shall not be designated as authors. Instead, authors must ensure compliance with the disclosure requirements set forth in point (1).

Modifications to Authorship

The final list of authors, arranged in the appropriate sequence, must be submitted at the time of the initial submission and shall not be subject to modification once the publication process has commenced. In exceptional circumstances, requests for the inclusion or exclusion of authors may be considered by the publisher, subject to the following conditions: (a) written consent from all co-authors, and (b) a well-founded and substantiated justification, which remains subject to the discretion of the publisher.

For further guidance on authorship matters, COPE’s recommendations, which CM strives to adhere to meticulously, are available for consultation.

General Advice

Advice on how to spot authorship problems

Before Publication

Corresponding author requests addition of extra author before publication

Corresponding author requests removal of the author before publication

After Publication

Request for addition of extra author after publication

Request for removal of author after publication

Non-Author Contributions

Contributions such as securing funding, managing a research team, offering administrative support, or performing tasks like writing, technical editing, language editing, or proofreading do not fulfil the requirements for authorship. Individuals involved in these activities should be acknowledged, either individually or collectively, within the acknowledgements section. Detailed instructions on how to format acknowledgements can be found in the “Guide to Authors.” Those who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be credited in the acknowledgements instead of being listed as authors.

Guest or Honorary Authorship

All authors listed must have made significant contributions to the manuscript and must sign the copyright agreement. CM does not endorse authorship based solely on professional titles or roles, such as being a research supervisor or department head. The journal adheres strictly to COPE guidelines in addressing concerns related to ghost, guest, or honorary authorship.

Copy Editing Services

It is highly recommended that authors engage professional editing services to rectify any grammatical, scientific, or typographical mistakes before submitting the revised version of their manuscript for publication.

For editing assistance, authors are encouraged to contact our designated English language editing partners via email at

Copy Editing Fees

The article processing charges encompass professional copyediting services. Following the acceptance of your manuscript for publication, an electronic invoice will be sent to you via email.

Proof Corrections

Authors will receive page proofs of accepted manuscripts prior to publication. To prevent any delays, authors must thoroughly review these proofs for typographical errors and return them within 48 hours. No substantial revisions will be allowed at this stage.

The corresponding author holds sole responsibility for ensuring that all corrections are incorporated into the revised manuscript and that it is approved by all co-authors.

Review Process and Timeliness of Publication

Every manuscript submitted to CM undergoes an initial assessment conducted by the Editorial Staff and the Editor-in-Chief to evaluate its appropriateness for the journal. The Editor-in-Chief determines whether the submission:

(a) falls within the journal’s scope, and

(b) complies with the editorial standards for originality and quality set by CM Publishers.

Manuscripts deemed potentially appropriate are then subjected to a double-blind peer review process, generally involving two independent and highly qualified experts. Distinguished international reviewers are invited based on their subject matter expertise and relevance to the manuscript. The identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential to ensure impartiality and preserve confidentiality throughout the review process. This anonymity guarantees an objective evaluation by the reviewers.

Prior to commencing the peer review process, CM obtains consent from prospective reviewers to confirm their availability and willingness to participate. All correspondence between the editorial office and the reviewers is held in strict confidence. Reviewers are expected to submit their assessments promptly, as timely feedback accelerates the publication process, thus benefiting both the authors and the wider scientific community.

The editorial process and peer review are managed by Senior Editors, Editorial Board Members (EBMs), and Journal Managers, each of whom possesses specialized expertise in their respective disciplines.

CM Publishers guarantee impartial evaluations of all submissions, selecting reviewers from a continually updated database based on their subject matter expertise.

Following the reviewers’ feedback, the Editors determine whether a manuscript is accepted, requires revision, or is rejected. After a comprehensive evaluation by at least two independent reviewers and input from the Editor, authors are informed of the decision, which may fall into one of the following categories:

  • Minor modifications required
  • Major modifications required
  • Rejected with no possibility for resubmission


In instances where an article is subject to two conflicting reviews, the Editor-in-Chief holds the authority to seek further opinions and may, at their discretion, make a final decision without awaiting additional feedback. This decision is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the content and conclusions presented in all the reports submitted. Such proactive measures ensure a swift resolution and enable effective communication with the author.

CM strongly advises against the inclusion of reviewers who may have potential conflicts of interest with the author(s) of the submission. As Editors may not always be aware of all possible conflicts, it is the responsibility of the reviewers to disclose any conflicts to the Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor as soon as they are identified during the review process. Additionally, reviewers are obligated to immediately inform the Editors or the journal’s editorial office if any conflict of interest arises that could undermine their objectivity in evaluating the manuscript.

Authors are generally expected to resubmit revised manuscripts within 15 days. Upon receipt, the updated papers are then sent to reviewers for additional assessment. Typically, publishers permit only one round of revisions, with a second round allowed solely under exceptional circumstances. Should further revisions be deemed necessary, the manuscript will be rejected, and the author will be instructed to submit it as a new manuscript for reconsideration.

The ultimate decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief, who assesses the quality of the revisions in conjunction with the overall merit of the manuscript. In exceptional instances, manuscripts that have been recommended for publication by reviewers may still be rejected following the Editor-in-Chief’s final evaluation.

The manuscript revision period varies between one to four weeks, contingent upon the magnitude of revisions necessary. Authors requiring additional time for revisions must seek approval from the Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor, substantiating their request with a valid justification. Should the request be deemed reasonable, an extension for resubmission may be granted.

Following successful review and acceptance, manuscripts advance to the typesetting stage, after which proofs are provided to authors for final corrections prior to publication.

Plagiarism Prevention

Plagiarism is described as the act of replicating or paraphrasing another author’s work—whether it be text, results, or observations—and presenting it as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgment. It is the responsibility of authors to recognize and precisely cite all sources referenced within their manuscripts. Furthermore, authors are required to ensure the authenticity of the sources and the accuracy of the content included in the submitted work.

At CM, rigorous measures are in place to detect and prevent plagiarism. The organization utilizes Turnitin software to identify textual similarities and overlaps in submitted manuscripts. This tool cross-references the manuscript against a vast collection of academic journals, online resources, and other scholarly materials. A similarity report, expressed as a percentage, is produced to indicate the extent of overlap between the submitted work and existing publications. Any detected similarities are meticulously reviewed in accordance with the publisher’s Editorial Policies to assess the possibility of plagiarism. Additionally, the report offers a detailed analysis of reused content for further examination.

Credibility of Sources and Acknowledgments

It is the responsibility of authors to ensure the originality of their manuscripts. All reliable sources referenced within the manuscript must be accurately cited. Prior to submission, authors are strongly encouraged to utilize Turnitin to verify that their work is free from plagiarism. Additionally, authors must obtain the required permissions from any individuals involved and must properly acknowledge the contributions of co-authors.

The CM enforces strict editorial policies for authors with multiple publications, requiring the disclosure of all sources cited in their recent submissions.

In order to maintain the highest standards of integrity, CM adheres rigorously to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors who require further assistance are recommended to consult the flowcharts available on the COPE website, or they may access them directly by clicking here.

Appeals and Complaints

Editorial decisions are generally conclusive and not subject to change. However, authors who feel their manuscript was rejected due to an error or misinterpretation have the option to request clarification regarding the decision. Appeals must present compelling arguments and substantial evidence that address the specific criticisms outlined in the rejection letter. Differences in opinion concerning the manuscript’s relevance, originality, or suitability for the journal do not serve as valid grounds for an appeal. All appeals will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) and relevant editors, with the final decision made by the journal manager being final. Even if the journal manager agrees to reassess the manuscript, acceptance is not assured. The reevaluation process may involve the original reviewers, additional reviewers, or editors, and may require substantial revisions.

For any complaints, authors are strongly encouraged to address their concerns to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the respective journal. Complaints submitted to the publisher may be directed via email to

Procedure for Submitting a Complaint to CM Open

CM remains committed to enhancing its publication processes. Should you have any concerns regarding the handling of your manuscript, please ensure to include the necessary details and reach out to us through the following communication channels:

For general inquiries:

For complaints and feedback: