CM Publisher

  1. Special Issues

A special issue denotes a meticulously curated collection of scholarly articles focused on a particular topic or theme that aligns with the journal’s academic scope. Guest editors play a pivotal role in supervising the process, managing submissions, and coordinating with prospective authors to ensure the inclusion of high-quality manuscripts relevant to the designated theme. Individuals aspiring to serve as guest editors are encouraged to express their interest through email. The CM journal does not enforce a strict limit on the number of manuscripts included in a special issue, provided they meet the journal’s stringent quality standards. While a special issue generally consists of 10 to 12 manuscripts, CM is also amenable to publishing a mini-thematic issue if only 3 to 5 high-quality manuscripts are available.

  1. Benefits of Contributing to a Special Issue

Enhanced Visibility

Articles included in special issues tend to achieve higher citation rates as they offer researchers, authors, and scientists seamless access to a concentrated and systematically arranged collection of studies. The thematic organisation of special issues greatly amplifies the articles’ visibility and prominence, thereby enhancing their potential to be cited within the scientific community.

Streamlined Accessibility

Gathering a series of papers focused on a specific topic within a single issue simplifies navigation and improves accessibility for researchers and academics.

Enhanced Promotion

Publishers actively promote thematic issues and their articles through prominent social media platforms, significantly increasing their outreach. This heightened visibility fosters greater engagement and leads to higher citation rates.

Collaboration Opportunities

Participation in a special issue enables authors to expand their professional networks by establishing connections with experts in related domains, fostering opportunities for future collaborative endeavours.

Timely Research Updates

Special issues serve an essential function in disseminating the most recent research on emerging or trending topics, ensuring scholars remain updated on the latest developments in their respective fields.

Rigorous Peer Review Process

The CM maintains a rigorous and unbiased peer review system. Every manuscript submitted, including those intended for special issues, undergoes the same thorough evaluation process as regular submissions. Each submission is subjected to an extensive review managed by the guest editor, with reviewers meticulously selected by the Editorial Office to guarantee subject-matter expertise and minimise any potential conflicts of interest.

Expedited Publication Schedule

Special issues adhere to an accelerated publication timeline, allowing articles to be published at a faster pace compared to standard submissions.

  1. Guidelines for Submitting Thematic Proposals

Proposals for thematic or special issues must adhere strictly to the following requirements:

  • Present a preliminary title that is consistent with the journal’s scope and objectives.
  • Indicate the deadline for manuscript submissions associated with the thematic issue.
  • Provide complete information about the Guest Editor(s), as specified in the thematic issue submission form. For multiple Guest Editors, detailed information must be provided for each individual.
  • Include a concise summary that outlines the primary objectives, scope, key topics, and proposed article titles.
  • Submit a list of potential contributors, including their affiliations and contact details, who are anticipated to provide manuscripts.
  • Guest Editors are strongly encouraged to foster author diversity by including contributions from various regions.
  1. Special Issue Policy

Guest editors are obligated to formally submit a proposal for a special issue prior to providing the complete issue. The proposal must adhere strictly to the prescribed format.

  • A maximum of three guest editors may be designated for the special issue, and each must obtain formal approval from the Editor-in-Chief before being officially assigned.
  • Upon approval, the special issue proposal will be made publicly available on the website, including comprehensive profiles of the guest editors.
  • Guest editors must ensure that the authors contributing to the special issue represent a wide geographic diversity. To promote variety and significance, no individual is permitted to serve as an author or co-author for more than one manuscript.
  • Guest editors themselves may contribute only one manuscript to the special issue if they choose to participate.
  • Guest editors are required to compose an editorial that emphasises the significance and relevance of the thematic issue.
  • Special issue proposals must be submitted via email to Guest editors must also guide authors to submit their manuscripts online through the publisher’s designated thematic issue link.
  • It is strongly advised that guest editors utilize the online submission system for all editorial processes, ensuring accurate tracking and complete documentation by the Editorial Office.
  • Although guest editors may recommend potential reviewers for manuscripts, the final assignment of reviewers is at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Manuscripts submitted by guest editors will be independently managed by the Editorial Office, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief, to ensure neutrality.
  • The ultimate decision to accept or reject manuscripts resides exclusively with the Editor-in-Chief.
  1. Ethical Responsibilities of Guest Editors

Guest editors are required to adhere strictly to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Prohibition of Artificial Citation Practices

Guest editors must abstain from employing any artificial methods to artificially inflate citation metrics for special issues. Instead, they are encouraged to focus on ethical and legitimate means to improve the visibility of the special issue, such as actively engaging with academic communities, utilizing social media channels, and leveraging professional networks. Every reference included in submitted manuscripts must be directly pertinent to the content and not selected merely to increase citation counts for the guest editors, authors, or their collaborators. Particular caution must be exercised to avoid unnecessary self-citations under any circumstances.

Ensuring Submissions Align With The Scope

Guest editors are entrusted with the responsibility of guaranteeing that all manuscripts considered for inclusion in the special issue fall strictly within the journal’s established scope and are authored by individuals with verifiable expertise in the relevant subject matter.


Guest editors are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of all submitted materials. Manuscripts must remain accessible exclusively to the assigned editors and reviewers, and the identities of reviewers must be preserved as strictly confidential. Disclosure of reviewer identities is permissible only when authors choose an open peer review process and reviewers provide explicit consent for such disclosure.

Conflict of Interest

Guest editors and authors are required to fully adhere to the journal’s conflict of interest policies. Any potential conflicts must be promptly disclosed within the manuscript and submitted to the Editorial Office for thorough review.

Contributors to thematic issue articles, including guest editors, must uphold the same rigorous ethical standards applicable to regular submissions. In cases of unethical conduct, the journal retains the authority to take appropriate measures, including the cancellation of the thematic issue, in accordance with the established procedures for standard submissions.

  1. Duties of Guest Editors

Guest editors are required to maintain consistent and effective communication with the Editorial team to address any queries promptly. They are tasked with ensuring that manuscripts are submitted punctually and in alignment with the predetermined schedule. This necessitates proactive engagement with authors and ongoing correspondence throughout the manuscript submission process. Their primary duties encompass the following:

  • Crafting a comprehensive proposal for the special issue, including the title, description, relevant keywords, and a suggested timeline.
  • Identifying and inviting suitably qualified contributors who are experts in the respective field to submit manuscripts.
  • Performing preliminary evaluations of manuscripts before forwarding them to the Editorial Office for further review and approval by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Ensuring that all submissions adhere to international standards and comply with the established submission guidelines.
  • Overseeing the peer review process, guaranteeing that each manuscript is evaluated by at least two independent reviewers, whose credentials are verified by the Editorial Office prior to their assignment.
  • Facilitating prompt communication with authors to streamline the manuscript processing workflow.
  • Actively promoting the special issue through relevant conferences and social media platforms.
  • Inviting more submissions than initially anticipated to account for possible rejections during the peer review process.
  • Preparing and submitting an editorial that aligns with the theme of the issue, subject to the Editor-in-Chief’s review.

Submission Process

Guest editors are encouraged to consult the Editorial process page to gain a thorough understanding of the procedures involved in manuscript management, from submission to publication. All manuscripts, whether for regular or special issues, must be submitted solely through the designated online platform, as email submissions are not allowed.

Preliminary Evaluation of the Manuscript

Upon submission, the guest editor will conduct an initial assessment of the manuscript to determine its compatibility with the journal’s scope. Following this evaluation, the guest editor may choose to initiate the peer review process, reject the manuscript outright, or request revisions before forwarding it to the Editorial Office. For manuscripts considered appropriate for review, guest editors are obligated to thoroughly assess the following criteria:

  • The manuscript’s relevance to the journal’s scope
  • Compliance with ethical standards and adherence to international guidelines
  • The overall quality and rigour of the manuscript
  • Verification that the manuscript is devoid of plagiarism and unethical citation practices

Peer Review Process

Before commencing the peer review process, guest editors must submit a proposed list of reviewers to the Editorial Office for approval by the Editor-in-Chief. The peer review process must be executed in strict adherence to the journal’s established policies. For detailed guidance, consult the REVIEW POLICY PAGE or directly communicate with the Editor-in-Chief. Guest editors are responsible for ensuring that reviewers have no conflicts of interest with the authors. Furthermore, any reviewers suggested by the authors who present conflicts of interest must be excluded from consideration.

Revisions and Final Decision

The responsibility for overseeing manuscript revisions, based on reviewer feedback, may rest with the guest editor; however, the final authority to accept or reject a manuscript is exclusively vested in the Editor-in-Chief. Guest editors are required to forward the revised manuscript, along with the corresponding review reports, to the Editor-in-Chief for the ultimate decision.


Once finalized, each article will be promptly published in the designated special issues section of the journal’s website, irrespective of the status of other articles within the issue. The special issue webpage will feature essential information, including guest editor profiles, the table of contents, submission deadlines, author guidelines, and other relevant content.